Upper Extremity

The WaveFlex Hand CPM Device
Complete with patient kit (VHB pad kit, finger clips, attachment tape), batteries and power supply.
Softgoods charged on first invoice only.

The W2 Wrist CPM Device
Complete with Actuator (wrist machine), carrying case and batteries.
Softgoods charged on first invoice only.

The PS1 Forearm Pronation/ Supination CPM Device
Complete with CPM actuator, carrying case, rechargeable battery pack, power supply and controller.
Softgoods charged on first invoice only.

The E3 Elbow CPM Device
Complete with stand and carrying case.
Softgoods charged on first invoice only.
The S3 Shoulder CPM Device
Complete with motion controller, battery charger and battery pack.
Softgoods charged on first invoice only.
Lower Extremity